The Baratie Arc, also referred to as the Sambas Region Arc, is the fourth story arc of the manga and anime One Piece, and the fourth story arc of the East Blue Saga. The Straw Hat Pirates meet Johnny and Yosaku, old friends of Zoro, who direct them to the restaurant ship Baratie, a "floating oasis" in the middle of the ocean. There they meet chef Sanji, who Luffy wishes to recruit as his crew's cook. However, pirate admiral Don Krieg sets his sights on the Baratie as a replacement for his devast
One Piece Music & Song Collection, One Piece Wiki
One Piece, VS Battles Wiki
Momonga (One Piece), All Worlds Alliance Wiki
One Piece, VS Battles Wiki
World Economy News Paper, One Piece Wiki
Odama, One Piece Wiki
Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece Wiki
Kuro One Piece+BreezeWiki
Monkey D. Luffy/History/Wano, One Piece Wiki
How Strong is Luffy? DEBUNKED – Fu-reiji's Blog
Gabiel, One Piece Wiki
Spirit Will of the D., The Fairy One Piece Tail Universe Wiki
Kuro One Piece+BreezeWiki
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)