Tokyo Ghoul Anime-Planet
In modern day Tokyo, society lives in fear of Ghouls: mysterious creatures who look exactly like humans -- yet hunger insatiably for their flesh. None of this matters to Ken Kaneki, a bookish and ordinary young man, until a dark and violent encounter turns him into the first ever Ghoul-human half breed. Trapped between two worlds, Ken must survive the violent conflicts of warring Ghoul factions, while attempting to learn more about Ghoul society, his newfound powers, and the fine line between man and monster.
Nutcracker Anime-Planet
Tokyo Ghoul Anime Review, by Altair3140
Season Review: Tokyo Ghoul – The Josei Next Door
Monsters Characters
What is your favorite quote from Tokyo Ghoul and why? - Quora
Tokyo Ghoul: Jack
The Summer Hikaru Died Manga
Tokyo Ghoul Manga
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)