The Owl House, Disney Wiki
The Owl House is an animated fantasy-comedy, created by Dana Terrace. The series premiered on January 10, 2020 on Disney Channel, and came to a final conclusion on April 8, 2023. The series follows self-assured teenage girl Luz, who discovers a portal to another realm where humans are not well-liked. Luz partners with a rebellious witch named Eda and her diminutive demon sidekick, King, who was indeed once a king and is searching for a way to restore his titles and glory. Despite not possessing
The Owl House, Disney Wiki
The Owl House' makes history with Disney's first bisexual lead
The Owl House season 4: Possibility of a sequel explored
The Collector, Disney Wiki
Category:The Owl House characters, Disney Wiki
Odalia Blight, Disney Wiki
King (The Owl House)/Gallery, Disney Wiki, Fandom
The collector's powers listed by The Owl House Wiki : r/TheOwlHouse
The Owl House, Disney Wiki
Young Blood, Old Souls/Gallery, Disney Wiki, Fandom
Luz Noceda, Wiki
Hunter, Disney Wiki
The Owl House Recap: Season 2, Episode 5
Amity Blight, The Owl House Wiki, Fandom
The Disney Wiki says Luz is coming to Disney Heroes Battle Mode
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)