Vampire Hunter: The Animated Series (novel series), Darkstalkopedia
Vampire Hunter: The Animated Series (ヴァンパイアハンター The Animated Series) is a light novel series based on the OVA series, Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge. With illustrations by Shuko Murase, the character designer of the OVA, the series is credited as written by Makoto Takeuchi (竹内誠). Published by Media Works under the Dengeki Bunko label, the first volume, ISBN 4073071297, was released on 1997-10-25, while the second one, ISBN 4073085832, was released on 1998-04-25. The story follows the plot
Vampire Savior (novel series), Darkstalkopedia
The KO #29 - unlocking secret games in Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection!
Yami Tenshi Comics: Vampire Hunter Heroine Comic Anthology, Darkstalkopedia
The KO #29 - unlocking secret games in Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection!
Vampire Hunter: 4-koma Gag Battle, Darkstalkopedia
Vampire Savior: Comic Anthology, Darkstalkopedia
Vampire Hunter: The Animated Series (novel series), Darkstalkopedia
Vampire Hunter: Yamiyo no Haikaisha, Darkstalkopedia
Thread by @Richmond_Lee: I was recently looking through the official OG Japanese Darkstalkers guide. All the screens were photographed from an arcade monitor, reflec…
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Laughing Corpse Book 3 Executioner #2 - Midtown Comics
Vampire Hunter Gaiden: Lei-Lei Hen - Owaranai Haru, Darkstalkopedia
Vampire Hunter (1994 manga), Darkstalkopedia
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)