Marvel Universe, Superhero Wiki
The Marvel Universe (AKA Earth-616) is the main universe of the Marvel superheroes published by Marvel Comics. The universe itself had gone through various cycles of death and rebirth with the world of Earth-616 existing within the timeline of the eighth incarnation of the universe. After the death of a previous universe, a big bang created a eighth incarnation of reality, known today as Universe 616 (designated by various multiversal entities). The only survivor of the previous universe was the
3-D Man - Wikipedia
Avengers (comics) - Wikipedia
Phone Ranger, Superhero Wiki
Avengers West Coast, Superhero Wiki
Green Goblin (Ultimate Marvel Comics), Superhero Wiki
Swordsman, Superhero Wiki
Marvel Super Hero Adventures (TV Series), Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Gravity (character) - Wikipedia
Black Bolt (Marvel), Heroes Wiki
MODOK, Superhero Wiki
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)