Himura Kenshin, 300 Heroes Wikia
Passive - Whenever Kenshin has his katana sheathed, his energy recovery rate is increased by 100%, his Attack Damage is increased by (25 + [1% per 10% Critical Strike Chance from equipment])% and his Critical Strike Chance is increased by (25 + [1% per 10 Attack Damage from equipment])%. When his basic attack, Douryuusen [Q], Ryuutsuisen [E], or Ryushounen [E] hits on an enemy unit, he will unsheathe his katana while also applying the bonus effect from sheathed katana on that attack. Kenshin wil
Rurouni Kenshin Himura Kenshin / Characters - TV Tropes
Jumputi Heroes – Page 3
Skins, 300 Heroes Wiki
Himura Kenshin, 300 Heroes Wiki
Himura Kenshin, 300 Heroes Wiki
Kurumi Tokisaki, 300 Heroes Wiki
DIO, 300 Heroes Wikia
Himura Kenshin, 300 Heroes Wikia
Kirito, 300 Heroes Wikia
Himura Kenshin Games - Giant Bomb
J-Stars Victory VS - JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia
Lone Wolf and Cub - Wikiwand
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)