Dog Days, Isekai Wiki
Dog Days (stylized as DOG DAYS) is a Japanese anime television series created by Masaki Tsuzuki, also known for his work as creator of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and produced by Seven Arcs and Aniplex under the direction of Keizo Kusakawa. The story revolves around a boy named Shinku Izumi, who is summoned to an alternate world by Princess Millhiore in order to defend Millhiore's country, the Biscotti Republic, from the neighboring kingdom of Galette. The series ran for 13 episodes on Tokyo MX
Isekai Anime List, Wiki
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! - Wikipedia
2023 Malleus X Reader Fluff
Dog Days Blu-ray Media Review Episode 11
Skeleton Knight in Another World - Wikipedia
Handyman Saitou in Another World - Wikipedia
Dog Days, Dog Days Wiki
Isekai Mokushiroku Mynoghra: Hametsu no Bunmei de Hajimeru Sekai Seifuku, Isekai Wiki
Student Reincarnates As A Dog & Charms A GirI
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)