- Wikiwand
Descrição is an Internet chess community with over 224,000 members. The site maintains a large database of chess games, where each game has its own discussion page for comments and analysis. Limited primarily to games where at least one player is of master strength, the database begins with the earliest known recorded games and is updated with games from current top-level tournaments. Basic membership is free, and the site is open to players at all levels of ability, with additional features available for Premium members. While the primary purpose of is to provide an outlet for chess discussion and analysis, consultation games are periodically organized with teams of members playing either other teams of members or very strong masters, including a former US champion and two former world correspondence champions.
What is a book you cannot believe hasn't been adapted/re-adapted
Champions Showdown 6: Fun end to a massacre
Civil War Scholars A People's History of the northern Shenandoah
Civil War Scholars A People's History of the northern Shenandoah
XBoard - Wikiwand
Champions Showdown 6: Fun end to a massacre
Berlin 1890. Chess, Brothers, Controversy and a Theory.
Lot #151. Tower of London Chess Set, Charles Stadden
Alexa - Wikiwand
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)