Black Jack, Dubbing Wikia
Black Jack (ブラック・ジャック Burakku Jakku) is an anime series based on the manga created by Osamu Tezuka in the 1970's, dealing with the medical adventures of the title character, doctor Black Jack. The series was originally dubbed in Hong Kong for airing by Animax's Southeast Asia territories. Later, in 2017, the series would be given another English dub at the Digital Sound Magic Recording Studios in Vancouver, Canada and produced by the Japan Foundation. This dub would be aired on Tubi TV and Amazo
Kiki's Delivery Service, Dubbing Wikia
Black Jack: The Movie, Dubbing Wikia
Black Jack (manga) - Wikipedia
Black Jack, Dubbing Wikia
Hiroki Tōchi - Wikipedia
Rajesh Khattar - Wikipedia
Spirited Away, Dubbing Wikia
John DeMita, Dubbing Wikia
One Piece, Dubbing Wikia
Jackie Chan, Dubbing Wikia
Phil LaMarr - Wikipedia
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)