Avengers (Earth-616), Marvel Database
The Avengers have been assembled by fate as a group of extraordinary champions with diverse abilities. As "Earth's Mightiest Heroes", their purpose is to protect and safeguard the world from both domestic and extraterrestrial threats. Finding strength in union, they uphold their tradition to overcome menaces a single individual could not withstand. The Avengers usually count with official recognition and clearance as a peacekeeping initiative that fights for liberty and justice, being funded chi
Simon Williams (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Future Avengers (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Pietro Maximoff (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Peter Quill (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Peter Petruski (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Anthony Stark (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Avengers (Earth-616) Marvel Database Fandom
Vostok (Anatoly) (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Nathan Summers (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Thor Odinson (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Bruce Banner (Earth-616), Marvel Database, Fandom
Axis (Avengers) (Earth-616), Marvel Database
Ororo Munroe (Earth-616), Marvel Database
por adulto (o preço varia de acordo com o tamanho do grupo)